Squash Levels Apps

SquashLevels 1.0
Squash Levels
Note: You will have to sign up for a squashlevels account at squashlevels.com to login to the app and get fullfunctionality.How good are you at squash? The squash levels database is one ofthe biggest of its kind in the world. It takes match results from awide range of sources, such as local websites and clubs, and usesthem to calculate a "squash level" for each player. If you're anavid squash player, you may already be in our database! With thesquashlevels app you can track your squash progress, and that ofany of the other thousands of players in our database. Featuresinclude a graph of your progress over time, match results and awide range of statistics. For more information about how thedatabase works, go to http://squashlevels.com/doc.php?doc=about_squash_levels.htm